Friday, August 06, 2004

not much for tonight

As I said, I'm trying to be good and put in posts more often. Had dress rehearsal for my show tonight. It went pretty well... no major fuckups, which is good. I put my candle that I bought at the psychic fair at my spot... it's a focus candle. Figured it's not a bad idea to have some focus while you're performing... it really sucks when you drift off on stage and then you almost miss a cue or something.
I'm doing mist on tanning in order to look more "Egyptian." It's a pain in the butt, but effective for the show.
OOOH! Don't eat Steak N Shake onion rings! I burnt my lip on one and got a 2nd degree burn! Blister and everything. The manager of the store said that corporate was going to call and talk to me but I haven't heard from them yet. I think I'll call the higher up manager if I don't hear from them soon. I just want to be reimbursed for my doctors visit...the doc drained my lip blister... fun!
And here are a couple new fun words and phrases that I have to remember... I'm sure you can figure out what they mean: vomitatious, stomache funkies and, oh crap, what the hell was that word from IHop. Maybe Ciro or Jesse will remember. It's too late for me to remember anything. :)

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